مسئلهای در کارگروه سیداک مطرح شده و قرار است مشخصه جدیدی تدوین شود متن پیشنهاد را در ادامه درج میکنم.
من فرق مشخصه پیشنهادی را با مشخصهای که پیشتر در پروژه هم استفاده کردیم (P128 و P129) را متوجه نمیشوم.
ممنون میشوم راهنمایی بفرمائید.
با احترام
New Proposal
Pxx represents entity of type
Domain: E36 Visual Item
Range: E55 Type
Sub Property Of P138 Represents
This property establishes the relationship between an E36 Visual Item and an E55 Type that represents the class of entity which it visually represents. This property is used when the specific entity being represented is either unknown, or for documenting the belonging of an item to a specific category. The manner or mode of the representation can be captured using Pxx.1 mode of representation.
Properties: Pxx.1 mode of representation: E55 Type
The still life painting’s image content (E36) represents an entity of type flowers (E55)
The sculpture’s visual content (E36) represents an entity of type woman (E55)
The photograph’s visual content (E36) represents an entity of type beach (E55) in the manner of background (E55)
Proposed by R Sanderson, Edited by N Carboni (the scope note slightly modified)